Téléchargez le Code de Bonne Conduite environnemental du plaisancier
The Port des Marines de Cogolin is proud of its commitment to preserving its ecosystem and undertaking every day to improve its environmental impact. Winner of the “Blue Flag of Ports” label, we are certified “Clean Ports Active in Biodiversity”. At the same time, the “Active in Biodiversity” certification marks our involvement in the protection and restoration of marine biodiversity. This certification recognizes our efforts in waste management and reducing our environmental footprint. Our role is to act daily in favor of local biodiversity within the port and in its busy area.
1. Fish nursery installation
We have installed 33 “biohut” fish nurseries under the port’s pontoons to encourage the rehabilitation of Mediterranean flora and fauna, an artificial habitat that protects young recruits from predation and contributes to the growth of adult populations.
2. Port Cleaning Service
Éco Tank is on hand in the harbor to collect waste and pump out gray and black water directly on board your boat. Contact: 04 92 28 38 85 or info@ecotank.fr
3. Water-cleaner robot
A Dpol and 12 seabin robot cleaner preserves the coastline within the port perimeter by collecting up to 15 kg of surface waste and hydrocarbons:: http:// www.dpol.fr/qui-sommes-nous/#tech
4. Charging station for electric boats
Our daily commitment is reflected in the way we get around, with a service boat and a fleet of electric cars, and a charging station for electric boats on the dock in front of the harbour master’s office..
5. Member of the Posidonia Alliance
With Alliance Posidonia, Le Port des Marines de Cogolin is committed to integrating biodiversity into our organization, reducing the impact of our activities and adapting our practices to marine habitats and the environment.
@Photo credit CPIE des îles de Lérins
6. Harbour renovation
Our commitments are reflected on the quayside, with the renovation of all the electrical and high-current networks, and the installation of smart terminals enabling the rational management of water and electricity flows remotely, to raise yachtsmen’s awareness of their consumption. The installation of a new steel and wood quay masterwork has enabled all the electrical networks to be lifted out of the water, and the quays to be raised to meet current standards in the face of rising water levels.
7. Facilities improvements
We continue to responsibly commit the Port des Marines de Cogolin to the ongoing improvement of our facilities. This includes the creation of a reinforced breakwater and the dredging of the seabed to restore depth to the port.
8. Introduce vegetation
Capitainerie, and its esplanade by participating in the complete greening of the port to be in perfect harmony with our environmental values.
8. Harbour planting
“Nothing overboard, all my waste in port”
The Port des Marines de Cogolin is a partner of the “I navigate, I sort” program, offered by the “Gestes Propres” association.
Awareness posters, freely accessible household waste bag dispensers, packaging sorting bags available at the harbor master's office,... So many tools made available by the program to be found on our port to raise awareness among boaters about waste abandoned in maritime and river areas!
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