Young residents of Cogolin educated about marine biodiversity.

Young residents of Cogolin educated about marine biodiversity.

On Monday and Tuesday, preparatory class students from Rialet and Fontvieille schools participated in a half-day awareness session about environmental protection and biodiversity at the Cogolin Marines Port / Harbor Master’s Office.

For the second year in a row, the city’s schools were invited to take part in this educational and fun initiative initiated by the City Hall through the port authority. This year, 100 Cogolin students were able to participate in workshops led by presenters from Ecocéan, which Mayor Marc-Etienne Lansade visited.

Après une intervention autour de l’écosystème marin et de la biodiversité, avec pour appui des images sous formes d’aimants et des anecdotes, les enfants ont participé à un jeu géant qui leur a permis d’appréhender les différentes menaces que bravent les larves de poissons (pollution chimique, sonore, plastique, prédateurs, surpêche, etc.). Un atelier de sensibilisation à l’impact de la pollution sonore s’en est suivi, menant les enfant à reconnaître, sur la base de photos, les différentes sources de bruit. Des animations sur lesquelles les enfants se sont montrés très curieux et impliqués !

After a presentation about the marine ecosystem and biodiversity, supported by magnetic images and anecdotes, the children took part in a giant game that allowed them to understand the various threats faced by fish larvae (chemical pollution, noise, plastic, predators, overfishing, etc.). A workshop on raising awareness about the impact of noise pollution followed, leading the children to identify, based on photos, the different sources of noise. The children showed a lot of curiosity and engagement during these activities!

* Installed in the port four years ago, these biodiversity huts aim to restore an ecological function to the harbor by allowing an ecosystem to develop within it, with a dual purpose: providing various species with habitat and a source of food.


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